It was fun to gather some thoughts, and some yummy samples to share with a group of mamas who are looking to care for their family’s health with intention and awareness, using natural/non-toxic products wherever possible.
If you don’t take time to stay healthy, you’ll have to take time to be ill.
The top three points:
Drink Water!
Get Enough Sleep!
Get Outside/Get Exercise!
Sometimes I forget these, and it’s good to do a mental check when I notice my kids aren’t feeling great.
Eat Real Food!
Read ingredients. The closer it is to the way it grows, the more nutrition is in the food.
When I have a kid who’s eating lots of junk/not eating enough good stuff, smoothies are my backup.My VitaMix is a great friend! I don’t have a juicer, but juicing is a great way to get tons of nutrients in.
Kale Smoothie is Scrumptious!
I get big bags of frozen pineapple and mango from Costco. Big bag of kale from wherever :-) Add frozen banana and frozen concentrated OJ.
Our bodies have an amazing tolerance to process stuff in our food/drink/environment, but they have a limit. If a kid is growing AND not getting enough sleep AND eating lots of non-nutritious calories AND dealing with toxins from cleaning supplies AND is fighting off a virus, something’s got to give…
The idea of a Toxic Load Bucket helps me think through if a kid’s body is feeling overwhelmed, and therefore likely to drop immunity and get sick.
On the other side, I try to fill up their Immunity Buckets, using nutrition, herbs, and other naturally sourced wonderful things!
Fire Cider is easy to make!
These Multis work well for us. Zinc is the first go-to for a tickly throat.
Vit D is so helpful. Always take with a fat. Vits B and C are necessary for us daily.
Homeopathics work soooooo well for us.
Mullein and garlic for ear aches.
Rescue Remedy for boo-boos of body or spirit.
Oils for focus/attention.
There’s sooo much more to discuss, but this is a start. Please tell me if this is helpful, if you want to hear more, and what you’d like to talk about.
I’ll have to learn more about how to upload video/use FBLive. But hopefully you get the idea!
Hot spiced apple cider, shiitake broth soup, tart cherry gummies, and so many cookbooks, essential oils, and natural healing ideas, along with Jessica’s beautiful hospitality and Jamie’s elderberry syrup demo made a lovely evening. Thank you all!!!